New Development

New Development by BOA Builders
BOA Builders is experienced in land acquisition, infrastructure development, and subdivision development. Our professionalism, hard work, honesty and integrity guide us through working with the major agencies involved in all aspects of raw land development.
We Listen
The longevity of BOA Builders’ success in development stems from our attentive listening skills. We listen to the neighbors, our partners, and the community. Recognizing that people play a pivotal role in either elevating a project to astounding success or contributing to its failure, collaboration becomes crucial. By working together, we strive to create a win-win situation for all involved.
New Development is an Opportunity for Creativity
The BOA Builders’ team views new development as an opportunity to delve into creative ideas and venture beyond conventional norms. This may involve incorporating stormwater drainage into a design feature or exploring the land to integrate natural features into the development. The potential is vast, and we are eager to collaborate with you on your project.
The Design Process
Recognizing the pivotal role design plays in achieving our customers’ goals, we understand the distinction between commercial and residential development, each subject to unique jurisdictional considerations. Our approach involves incorporating design ideas that cater to the specific needs of our customers and align with the character of the community.
Establishing enduring relationships is integral to forming a successful team that sees a project through to completion. Effective communication skills play a pivotal role in keeping discussions progressing and fostering an active and gratifying atmosphere. With a wealth of experience working with the County, City, engineers, landscapers, and other stakeholders, we engage in collaborative efforts to enhance the overall project experience.

Contact BOA Builders Today
Do you have a new development project that you would like BOA Builders to help you with? Give us a call at (970) 242-3071 or fill out the form below to discuss the scope of your project. We look forward to moving forward with you!
Let's Discuss Your Project
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